Projector vs Wall Murals for Decor

August 25, 2021

Projector vs Wall Murals for Decor

When it comes to home and office decor, there are so many options to choose from. One of the latest trends is using projection technology, but is it really better than wall murals? In this post, we will provide a factual comparison between the two options.


Cost is often a primary concern for anyone looking to decorate their home or office. In general, wall murals tend to be a more affordable option. The cost of a mid-range projector ranges from $500 to $800, while a commissioned wall mural costs about $50-$100 per square foot. This means to cover a 10’x10’ wall, you could expect to pay around $5,000 for a mural or $800 for a basic projector. Additionally, with a projector, the cost of replacement bulbs or maintenance must also be considered.

Winner: Wall Murals


Projectors offer a level of versatility that wall murals cannot match. They can display anything from family photos to works of art and even videos. A projector can also be moved easily to a different location to project on any wall or surface.

On the other hand, wall murals are fixed and cannot be moved. Once a mural is installed, it stays in that exact spot.

Winner: Projectors


When it comes to quality, both projectors and wall murals can be top-notch. However, the quality of a projection is highly influenced by the lighting in the room. If the room is too bright, the image will appear washed out. Additionally, with projectors, the size of the image can vary greatly depending on the distance between the projector and the wall.

Wall murals, on the other hand, are created with a high level of detail and can have a more consistent level of quality.

Winner: Wall Murals


The installation of a projector can be more complicated and time-consuming than a wall mural. Projectors require proper placement, alignment, and calibration for optimum results.

Wall murals, on the other hand, can be installed relatively quickly and efficiently by a professional. Additionally, wall murals do not require any additional equipment or maintenance once installed.

Winner: Wall Murals


In the long term, projectors may require frequent bulb replacements and other maintenance costs. Also, a good quality projector can last up to 8 years at maximum. Wall murals, on the other hand, are very durable and can last for many years if maintained properly. They also don't run out of battery or need to be recharged.

Winner: Wall Murals


As we can see from the above comparison, both projectors and wall murals have their pros and cons. Which one you choose will ultimately depend on what you want to achieve and your budget.

If cost is a primary concern and you prefer a more permanent installation, then wall murals would be the better option for you. However, if you are looking for more versatility and flexibility, then a projector would be the way to go.


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